Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy Monday!

It is finally foggy here, so color me happy!

Plus I'm about to get the Beastologist II galleys off my desk this morning, yet another reason to be happy.

And as if all that weren't enough, today is Nathaniel Fludd's official launch day! Go Nate! My co-Violet, Mary Hershey, did a fun launch post over at Shrinking Violet. There may even be a chance to win a copy of Nathaniel.

Lastly, I completely forgot to mention that I did an interview last Friday over on Dee Garretson's blog, complete with another chance to win a copy of Nathaniel Fludd!

Also, if you are looking to acquire a copy of Theodosia and the Staff of Osiris, I am having a contest over on the Theodosia blog.

Phew. Now back to those galleys...


Greek Girl said...

Ah it's good to be back from a hectic summer. And with a lot of writing under my belt thanks to you Robin!


Hooray for Beastologist Launch!!! Congratulations, Robin!

Solvang Sherrie said...

Happy Launch Day!
I'm loving the fog too :)

Robin L said...

Awesome, GG! So glad you got so much writing under your belt!

Thanks Thalia! And I have a copy sitting here on my desk for you as a very small thanks for your excellent beta reading!

Thanks Sherrie! And so glad it's cool up there, too. Didn't think it would EVER cool off. Jeez.

dixie said...

Your interview was fabulous!