Friday, October 9, 2009

Scooting In Under The Wire

Sorry I didn't get anything posted today. I'm working like a madwoman trying to get ready for my two week long visit to Katy, Texas, where I will be visiting twenty schools in ten days. :-) Yeah. Making packing lists, fine tuning the presentation, practicing, and trying to tie up any household loose ends that might crop up while I'm gone.

I suppose this is a good time to remind anyone in the Houston area that I will be at Barnes and Noble in The Woodlands on October 18 at 2:00.

Also, for those of you who don't follow the Theodosia blog, I've posted the first chapter excerpt (the first of six, one a month until the publication date). If you're dying for your next fix of Theo, pop on over there and check it out!


Dave Johnson said...

Argh - double post. Just started reading the Sabriel sequel this morning. How incredible is this series, right?

Dave Johnson said...

You know you don't have to post everyday, right? I mean, it DOES delay the rest of our journeys to becoming prolific writers, but we can forgive you that a few days a year. =D

Robin L said...

Thank you, Dave. Clearly I needed that reminder! It's just that I feel so guilty when I don't post...

And I can hardly say how much I adore that whole Sabriel Trilogy. In fact, I re-read Lirael a couple of years ago and wondered if the seeds of Theo's museum setting weren't sown in Lirael's work in the library in that book.

Hm. I think I will plan that for my comfort read when I get back from Texas. (Assuming I get back in one piece, that is.)

Stella said...

Twenty schools in ten day? Eeek! Take a break from blogging - for the sake of your sanity. And good luck!