Monday, November 15, 2010

Tropes versus Resonance

I hear a lot of talk about tropes, especially in fantasy, but also in the larger body of books in general. Tropes, for any who don’t know, are basically clichéd plot devices, or at least that’s how I interpret it. I think the actual definition is that they are conventions, which is pretty different than a cliché, but 90% of the time when the word is used it is meant negatively.

But here’s the thing. Me? As a reader? I LOVE tropes. Can’t get enough of them. Because many of the tropes that other writers sneer at provide my reading experience with mythic underpinnings.

I have read books that others consider fresh and trope-free, providing a refreshing breath of fresh air into the genre. But you know what? Even though I know intellectually that I should appreciate these books for their ground-breaking ways, I usually find that I don’t connect with them emotionally, nothing about them resonates with me and I end up putting them down.

Which goes to just how many different kinds of readers there are and how many different things we look for in books. Mitali Perkins had a fabulous discussion a while back theorizing that younger readers read to expand their world while YA readers read to reinforce their world. I think there are similar, if more complex, dynamics at work in what we as adults read.

I remember once reading a quote from Ursula La Guin that stated something to the effect that all those writers who set their books in any sort of medieval or Western European setting were just lazy fantasists. And I was hurt by that—not as a writer, but as a reader. Those stories call to me. I couldn’t tell you why. Maybe because I was raised on fairy tales or because that’s where my ancestors came from or because one of my first great fantasy influences was Tolkien. I don’t know, but I also don’t think it’s something we can help, sort of like we can’t really control who we fall in love with. It strikes me as—yes, I’ll say it—elitist to claim that all these conventions are tropes. Maybe, but maybe they are conventions because they resonate with readers in some way they don’t resonate for whomever is doing the trope-calling?

The things some people call tropes, the MC being the chosen one for example, I see as being as much a part of story as the words once upon a time. They mirror important steps on every person’s journey to maturity and understanding. We all start off believing we are the chosen one, why else would our parents’ worlds revolve around us? It is a critical step in human development to recognize that either we are not “chosen” or, to come to terms with the massive amount of responsibility that comes with being chosen.

The old wise one as mentor is another trope that takes a beating but again, this totally works for me. Some of my closest, most treasured relationships when I was a kid were with my grandmothers. I loved them, and now, seeing that reflected in a book. I also think that fantasy is akin to fairy tales, which codify the behaviors we want to pass down to our young. Reinforcing for them that older people have something to offer too—wisdom—is not a bad thing.

Some people sneer at the HEA found in romance books, but there are certain dark places I simply will not go in fiction, not unless I know I’m in the hands of a writer who can bring me out again and help me land in an even better place than when I went in.

So how do we tell the difference between a tired convention (trope) or time-revered resonance? Is it a matter of execution? Does good writing elevate a trope to something resonant and mediocre writing condemn it to hackneyed cliché?


wldhrsjen3 said...

I very much agree! For me, the problems come if the author leans too heavily on tropes, hanging the entire structure of the story on an old cliché. But if there is enough originality, if the characters feel dimensional and credible, then the tropes become more like... friendly guideposts in an unfamiliar landscape. I've read some of those "fresh," "groundbreaking," "totally original" stories and, while I have fallen in love with a few, I generally have trouble connecting with them.

R.L. LaFevers said...

Yes! Friendly guideposts in an unfamiliar landscape! I LOVE that! Perfect description.

And I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who doesn't connect with some of those stories. :-)

andalucy said...

I also like how wldhrsjen3 puts it. I hadn't even heard the word "tropes" (I learn all kinds of great stuff on this blog!) but I can't imagine really connecting to a book in which the author consciously tried to rid the story of all mythological underpinnings. Besides, while the author could pat herself on the back for not being trite, she'd be opening herself up to gimmicky.

Mae said...

My story has Cliche Castle.

Simply, you need a fresh take on it.

My words of wisdom are Yoda-ish from a young girl who seeks mostly to have a greater understanding of the universe.

My mentor is actually THOUSANDS of years old- teenager with Socrates- but looks and acts like she's 16.

And, of course, Cliche Castle is a target for destruction so they CAN'T all live Happily Ever After.

Mel said...

I very much agree with you wldhrsjen. I rely on the trope as the support structure that invites me in. For me, it feels like a delicious cup of tea.
"Fresh" and "groundbreaking" without "tried and true" are a difficult yarn to spin. There is a reason why we pick up books in the first place. As readers or storytellers, we love to follow the vector of our heart. My personal obsession with historical and modern British/European culture allows me to pick up any trope and immediately commit to the premise, because I have a certain comfort level. These days, when there is so much to read, I want the tried and true not the flash in the pan.

Robin L said...

So glad we could broaden your education, Andalucy!

Mae, love the idea of Cliche Castle!

Ah Mel, I didn't realize we shared an obsession with British/European culture and history. "Follow the vector of our heart" is a great way to put that, too!

Mel said...

Oh yes Robin we do share this lovely obsession. In fact, I purchased that book you recommended "Renaissance Secrets" - love it btw.
The British culture has my heart. It's a romance that started nearly 15 years, when I was first exposed to Jane Austen's Emma . Also, I watch everyone single Brit movie I can get my hands on!